Teleflora's Send A Hug® Snowy Smiles Bouquet
This jolly little penguin comes all way from the North Pole to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas! He happily holds fresh holiday flowers this year, and steaming hot cocoa for many winters to come.
This jolly little penguin comes all way from the North Pole to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas! He happily holds fresh holiday flowers this year, and steaming hot cocoa for many winters to come.
This jolly little penguin comes all way from the North Pole to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas! He happily holds fresh holiday flowers this year, and steaming hot cocoa for many winters to come.
All prices in USD ($)
12" H
12 1/4" W
Standard - $66.50
12" H
12 1/2" W
Deluxe - $76.49
13" H
13 1/2" W
Premium - $76.49